Hver sem hefur fylgst með MTV veit að Marshall Mathers, einnig þekktur undur nöfnunum Eminem og Slim Shady hefur farið eins og eldur í sinu um heim allann. Hann er nú endurfæddur í trú á Guð og hefur gefið út nýjan geisladisk með textum byggðum á biblíuversum. Innst inni er hann viðkvæmur og feimninn strákur.
Blm: Endurfæddist þú í trú á Guð til að hætta að blóta og gefa út grófyrta texta?
Eminem: Ég var sko ekki að fokking endurfæðast til að gera fokking bara það.
Blm: En sem trúaður maður, ætlar þú þá ekki að hætta að syngja um, eehh, sona siðlaus athæfi eins og manndráp?
Eminem: Allir eru fokking ríðandi mér á ofbeldi. Heyrðu, Saving Private Ryan hefur sennilega verið vondasta og sjúkast kvikmynd sem ég hef nokkurntíma fokkin séð en hefur einhver gagnrýnt hana fyrir ofbeldi?
Eminem hefur leyft okkur að birta einn texta af nýja geisladiskinum og eins og sést, inniheldur hann margar tilvitnanir í biblíuna.
Lesið Góðu Bókina vandlega.
Take a good look at the good book
Take a good look, at the Good Book, when you hit my shit with the tag "he's misogynistic!"
It's inherent see? From inerrant me! Apparently, if He sees a bitch or faggot, God goes ballistic.
The unsaved point at Slim, say: "Look at him! Who let the born-again asshole in the room?"
Well, prepare your tomb: Your little ones will be dashed to the ground! Hear that sound?
Pregnant bitches ripped open in the womb! [Hosea 13:16]
You see, when the Lord is mad, shit, then you know Yahweh has had it!
If you been acting shitty, God says: "Have no pity! Slay the punks, slay the bitches!"
Lord, what about their brats? "Slay those rats; leave em bleeding in the ditches!" [Ezekiel 9: 4-6]
Destroy their hood [I Samuel 15:2-3] - kill them good. Yo, go to every city purging
Set your sites on the whites, of their eyes, but keep a prize - all them pretty virgins! [Numbers 31:14-18]
Slim's advice is be nice, all you bitches! Cause I got Good News I can Use. God said to kill all you witches! [Exodus 22:18]
And all the pansy press is, in their dresses, say "Slim, why you saying fagots should die?"
And I just raise my Bible high: "The Lord said you got to go so, homo, that's fucking why!" (laughs) [Leviticus 20:13]
And all you rugheads with the wrong god, get my drift, here's a gift: six feet of your own sod! [Exodus 22:20]
You ain't fucking born again? Count to ten. You ain't saved? Opps! I just dropped you in your fucking grave [Deuteronomy 17:2-7]
Hey, if I'm in a fight with some prick guy, bitch don't touch my dick. Why? Cause God said you should die! [Deuteronomy 25:11-12]
Now, I am turning to Saint Paul, he said it all, in his letters to Timothy. See?
All you hos in the place, shut your face and take commands from me! [1Tim. 2:11-12]
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